Dr. Kavishankar Gawli received a post-doctoral fellowship from the Saskatchewan Health Researh Foundation to pursue his research on hormones and diabetes! Well done Dr. Gawli – we look forward to having you in the lab.
Year: 2015
Congratulations to Dr. Haneesha Mohan (PhD) and Naresh Ramesh (MSc) for successfully completing their degrees and convocating from the University of Saskatchewan! We are very proud of you. All the best for your bright future!
Dr. Suraj Unniappan receives the Zoetis Animal Research Excellence Award at the annual awards gala of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine.
Naresh Ramesh received the inaugural Graduate Student Achievement Award from the India Student’s Association. Naresh also won a CSGR Dean’s Scholarship in to continue his PhD in the Unniappan lab. Congratulations Naresh!